pfSense Squid Proxy

Install “squid” package via System -> Package Manager -> Available Packages

Services -> Squid Proxy Server


  • Check Enable Squid Proxy
  • Proxy Interface: LAN
  • Proxy Port: 3128
  • Check Transparent HTTP Proxy
  • Transparent Proxy Interface: LAN
  • SSL MITM << Not enable as SSL splitting requires client configuration
  • Check Enable Access Logging
  • Rotate Logs: 7
  • Save

Local Cache

  • HD Disk Cache Size: 10,000 MB
  • Max Object Size: 4 MB (Default)
  • Memory Cache Size: 1024 MB
  • Max Object Size in RAM: 256 KB (Default)
  • Save


  • Check Enable AV
  • Check Enable Google Safe Browsing support
  • Check Exclude Audio/Video Streams
  • ClamAV Database Update: Every 24 hours
  • Regional Mirror: Australia
  • Save

That’s it. Squid should be up and running. It will take a while until the ClamAV DB are downloaded until then there will be errors on the Real Time tab but that will resolve eventually.